On Sunday 24th June 2018 as thousands of runners took to the streets of Swansea, members of the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards deployed in Kabul on Op TORAL 6 took on the JCP Swansea Half Marathon virtually. Despite being on the other side of the world a total of 45 runners assembled in three different locations across the city to emulate the event taking place in Swansea.

The runners battled dust, high temperatures and endless circles of their base location to complete the 13.1 mile course. In each location a support team provided hydration and plenty of morale to those running. Despite the heat and conditions, members of the Welsh Guards put in some impressive performances.

At Hamid Karzai International Airport, a team of eight runners from the Quartermaster Department lead by Major Butler completed the course in 1 hour 45 Minutes. A team working at the Afghan National Officer Academy ran their own course with the fastest time being 1 hour 39 minutes from Sgt Davies 83. Lastly, in the centre of Kabul 22 runners completed the half marathon with the fastest time being 1 hour 25 mins from WO2 DSgt Cope.

Overall the event was a strong performance from the Welsh Guards battlegroup. The JCP Swansea Half Marathon is the 2nd of 3 events which make up the Welsh Guards Op TORAL running challenge as they raise money for the Welsh Guards Charity and ABF – The Soldiers Charity.

The Welsh Guards would like to thank the organisers from the JCP Swansea Half Marathon in supporting the event and providing medals and t-shirts to all runners of which they were proud to receive after completing the half marathon distance.

In October the Welsh Guards will complete their final challenge by taking on their final Half Marathon in Kabul.


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