There are many misconceptions and beliefs that runners often fall into the trap of believing. With thanks to our training partners at Realbuzz, we are sharing some of the common myths you should disregard.

1. You must stretch before a run.

Stretching is generally not considered the best way to prepare for a run. Stretching cold muscles (much like an old elastic band) is likely to strain and cause damage. Instead of static stretching, do some gentle cardio as a warm-up, such as walking or a slow jog. This will warm up the muscles more effectively and safely than static stretches.

2. Missing training is a bad idea.

Skipping a day of training is not the disaster you might think it is, and there’s definitely no need to panic. In fact, taking a few days out might just be what your body needs, and is an important part of training. It is during recovery that your muscles adapt and strengthen. Once you have done the hard work and achieved a certain level of fitness, your fitness can easily be maintained, which means an extra day of rest here and there is not going to be a bad thing!

3. Running is bad for your joints.

It’s commonly referred to that running is bad for your joints. Yes, runners can suffer injuries to their joints, but research has found that running actually reduces the risk of osteoarthritis in the long term.

4. Carb-loading is essential.

Carbo-loading has its limits and it isn’t all about stuffing your face the night before a race.

Unless you are doing a half marathon or further then carbo-loading is not necessary. Research published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology suggested that the best way of loading up on carbohydrates is to integrate them into your daily diet over a number of weeks. Gradually increasing the daily amount of carbs you’re eating in the weeks leading up to the race, rather than just carb-loading the night before.

5. Just focus on running

Running may be your passion, but it shouldn’t be the basis of your entire fitness regime. To remain injury-free and become a more rounded athlete, adding some strength training may be the answer. You could also introduce other forms of cardio exercise such as swimming, cycling and skipping in order to mix it up a bit.

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