Today, we re-launch #OneMileWednesday. The concept is simple, you just need to run a mile. Be it a mile more (for the experienced runners), or simply a mile for anyone new to running or limited by time.

Share your #OneMileWednesday photos with us on social media and you could win yourself a free training t-shirt*.

So, grab your trainers and be part of #OneMileWednesday.

The JCP Swansea Half Marathon is a 13.1 mile race on fully closed roads that starts in Swansea city centre and takes in six miles of stunning coastline, idyllic marina, and iconic buildings on its course.  Suitable to first timers, fun runners, elites and your everyday hero, this simply is a MUST do race for anyone thinking about running a half marathon.  The JCP Swansea Half Marathon race takes place on 25th June 2017.  To sign up to take part or keep up with the latest news go to:

Like the Facebook page, follow @Swansea_HM #RunSwansea #FromTheCityToTheSea on Twitter and follow @swanseahalfmarathon on Instagram.

*T-shirt must be picked up from the Front Runner Events office or p&p paid. Limited sizes available. No cash alternative.

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